Legality Rating: Cablotech continues its journey towards company transparency with an important step forward.

12 June 2023

Cablotech has improved its Legality Rating from ★★ to ★★+. The increase is due to the implementation of the 231 Organization and Control Model, a significant step towards the maximum score.

Rating Legalità Cablotech 2023

Cablotech’s new Legality Rating.

The path of growth and consolidation of Cablotech, a cutting edge company in the sector of cable processing, electrical panels and electromechanical assemblies, has marked another fundamental stage in its journey.
This year we reached a significant new milestone, obtaining the renewal of the Legality Rating and improving our score: we have gone from 2 stars ★★, obtained in 2019 and renewed in 2021, to a significant “2 stars + “★★+. This jump in quality is the result of our constant commitment to legality, transparency and company responsibility, values at the base of our business.

The Importance of the 231 Organization and Control Model

One of the tools that contributed to this growth was the implementation of the 231 Organization and Control Model in 2022. This model is one of the additional requirements provided by the AGCM (Competition and Market Authority) and has been an important step in our constant process of improvement and compliance with the rules. Implementing Model 231 was an opportunity to demonstrate our seriousness and our commitment to complying with the highest standards of legality.
Model 231 is a structured set of company procedures, aimed at preventing the commission of crimes that could involve the company’s liability. This model addresses all the activities of the organization, covering the entire operational scope. In addition, it provides for the appointment of an ODV (Supervisory Body), responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the model and its correct application.

The Meaning and Value of Legality Rating

What does it really mean to have a high Legality Rating? This indicator is a strong symbol that testifies the company’s focus on compliance and the implementation of prevention and control protocols. Our “2 stars +” ★★+ is therefore a tangible recognition of our constant commitment to maintain an irreproachable company conduct, which reflects the standards of legality and transparency that we have always pursued.

The Legality Rating: a symbol and a concrete benefit

Legality Rating is not just a medal to be displayed with pride. It is an element that brings concrete and measurable benefits for the company. In terms of reputation, a high Legality Rating is a seal of quality and reliability that distinguishes us in an increasingly competitive market. In addition, the Rating facilitates access to a number of advantages when granting financing by public administrations and banks, offering more advantageous conditions and speeding up procedures.

The process of acquiring the Legality Rating

The Legality Rating is accessible to all companies, both individual and corporate, which meet certain requirements, including the operational headquarters in Italy, a minimum turnover of two million euros in the financial year ended in the year preceding that of the application and registration in the commercial register for at least two years from the date of the application. These requirements, together with other regulatory and voluntary criteria, form the basis for the assignment of the Rating.
Read more on AGCM – Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato

The future goals of Cablotech

Our aspiration is to continue working to meet the other requirements for the award of an additional star. Only the achievement of three “+” in fact leads to the attribution of one more star, which for Cablotech would mean reaching the maximum score. Our goal is to maintain our standards of legality and corporate responsibility, while continuing to work for an increasingly bright future.
In conclusion, the growth of our Legality Rating represents a significant step in the path of Cablotech. This demonstrates our ongoing commitment to promoting high standards of legality and corporate responsibility.
It is for us not only a recognition of the work done so far, but also an incentive to always do better.

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